

Atheism: a worldview that has caused much debate and discussion

Atheism is a worldview that embodies disbelief in the existence of gods or higher spiritual powers. It stands in opposition to theism, the belief in a god or gods, and can represent various forms and levels of belief. Atheism causes a lot of discussion and debate in society, religious circles and philosophy. In this article we will look at atheism as a worldview, its history, variety of forms and arguments of both supporters and critics.

History of atheism

Ideas similar to atheism existed long before the term "atheism" was coined. Ancient Greek philosophers such as Democritus and Epicurus expressed skeptical views about religion and the gods. However, the real development of atheistic thought began during the Enlightenment in Europe, when philosophers and writers began to openly express their doubts about religious doctrines.

An important milestone in the history of atheism was the publication of “God Does Not Exist” by the French philosopher Henri de Saint-Simon in 1814. This work is considered the first publication in which the term "atheism" was used. Since then, atheism has become a more organized and widespread worldview.

Forms of atheism

Atheism is not a homogeneous worldview and can take different forms.

Here are some of them:

  • Strong Atheism: Strong atheists claim that they do not believe in the existence of gods or higher spiritual powers and believe that such beliefs have no scientific basis.
  • Weak atheism: Weak atheists, on the contrary, do not deny the possibility of the existence of gods, but do not see convincing evidence and therefore do not profess faith.
  • Agnosticism: Agnostics believe that the question of the existence of gods is beyond the reach of a final decision and that man cannot know the answer to this question.
  • Secularism: Secularists separate religion from state and society and call for the separation of church and state.
  • Humanistic Atheism: Humanistic atheists emphasize the value of human life and strive for moral and ethical values without religious beliefs.

Arguments of atheists

Atheists provide various arguments to support their worldview. Some of them include:

  • Lack of evidence: Strong atheists often point to the lack of concrete evidence for the existence of gods.
  • The Problem of Evil: The problem of evil argument argues that the existence of suffering and evil in the world is incompatible with the concept of an all-powerful and all-loving God.
  • Scientific Method: Atheists often adhere to the scientific method and argue that religious beliefs cannot be proven by empirical methods.
  • History of Religion: Atheists point to diversity and contradictions in religious teachings and history to emphasize the subjectivity of faiths.

Criticism of atheism

Atheism is also subject to criticism and controversy.

Critics of atheism may argue the following:

  • Lack of Moral Ground: Some believe that atheism does not provide a clear moral ground and can lead to a lack of ethics.
  • Ignoring the Spiritual Side: Critics of atheism may argue that it ignores the spiritual side of human nature and the need for spiritual growth.
  • Antagonism towards religion: Some believe that atheism can be antagonistic to religious beliefs and cause tension in society.


Atheism is a worldview that causes a lot of discussion and controversy. It can take many forms and is subject to both support and criticism. It is important to remember that atheism, like religion, is part of the multifaceted spectrum of human beliefs, and every person has the right to his own worldview and freedom of religion. Diversity of opinion helps enrich public dialogue and understanding of the differences among us.


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