

Raelites: Children of Elohim or sectarians of the XXI century?

Raelites, followers of Raelism, a new religious movement that is categorized as a UFO religion. They believe that life on Earth was scientifically created by representatives of a highly advanced extraterrestrial civilization known as Elohim.


The movement was founded in 1973 in Geneva by French journalist Claude Vorilon (Rael). By 1997 it had grown strong and had many adherents in 84 countries around the world. By 2001, the Raelites began sponsoring Clonaid's human cloning program.

Principles of doctrine

The Raelites follow the ideas of materialism and atheism, believing that humanity can reach the level of development of the Elohim. They advocate equality of the sexes and freedom of expression of sexuality. They also support the development of science and technology, advocating the lifting of bans on cloning and genetic manipulation.

Attitudes toward other religions

Raelites believe that in the future the main religion will be an "atheistic" religion close to Buddhism, and criticize the "Judeo-Christian picture of the world". They also express dissatisfaction with the Catholic Church for not paying enough attention to the achievements of modern science.


The Raelites continue to attract attention for their unusual teachings and approaches to religious practice. Their beliefs regarding the origins of humanity and the future development of science have sparked debate and divided opinion. Although the movement has become significant in religious settings and has followers around the world, its activities and influence remain the subject of controversy and criticism from other religious communities and the scientific community.


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