

The Magic of Divination: History, methods and amazing examples of fortune telling

Magic of Divination

Divination is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries, many people do not know what it involves. Divination is the unraveling of the deeper meaning or cause of situations through the use of omens or visions. Soothsayers use signs and various techniques to predict the future. Many cultures, both ancient and modern, have used divination to find solutions to practical problems as well as for spiritual guidance. The point of divination is to predict the future or to gain information through omens or supernatural forces. When considering what divination is, it is important to understand the various forms of the practice. Modern forms of divination include astrology, horoscopes, fortune telling, Tarot cards and Ouija boards.


Divination has been practiced in many different cultures, both in ancient times and today. Divination in China has such a long history that it is difficult to determine when it originated. One of the famous Chinese fortune-telling texts is the I Ching, the authorship of which is attributed to Wenwang, who lived in the twelfth century B.C. The I Ching, or "Book of Divination," was written by Wenwang. The I Ching, or Book of Changes, describes the divination system used by the magicians of the Zhou Dynasty.

The diviners of ancient Mesopotamia relied on Babylonian astrology to determine the will of the gods for the king and his kingdom. Babylonian astrology was intended to predict the movements of natural forces and political events. Scientists have discovered ancient Babylonian fortune-telling texts that were prepared as early as 1800 B.C. Celestial divination was an important part of Mesopotamian culture. The idea that a person's time of birth contains clues about their future was introduced in Babylonian horoscopes, which appeared in the late fifth century B.C.. Babylonian astrology spread to the ancient Greeks, who passed it on through the Hellenistic, Egyptian, and Islamic worlds to Europe.


Ancient Rome incorporated aspects of Greek and Etruscan divination into its own practice. Divination in ancient Roman society was aimed at learning the will of the deities. The Roman orator Cicero, who lived in the first century C.E., described divination practices in his treatise De divinatione ("On Divination"). The Temple of Demeter in Patras was known for its accurate oracles. Sick people turned to the oracles for advice on treatment, and in the process, the diviner lowered a mirror held on a rope into a fountain until the mirror touched the edge of the water. The oracle recited prayers and burned incense in an offering to the goddess, and then used the reflection in the mirror for spiritual guidance. The oracle could perceive visions of gods or demons in the patterns of the mirror reflection.

Divination on crystals and other divination arts were practiced in the Middle Ages. Fortune tellers could look into a crystal, which was supposed to have supernatural powers, to receive a vision that could clarify a situation. In medieval times, divination could be used to help find lost objects, learn the truth about a crime, or find a solution to a complex problem.

Fortune telling became an object of intense scrutiny during medieval times. During the time of the Inquisition, divination was considered heresy. Many believed that any vision came from the devil, and divination was thought to come from evil spirits. Despite this, the divination arts continued to be practiced and Tarot decks were invented in Italy as early as the 1430s. The cards were numbered and represented different powers and characters, a deep meaning was given to each card and they began to be used for divination.

Divination Origins

The role of the fortune teller

A fortune teller helps answer questions through the art of divination. Fortune tellers consult with their clients to get information on a wide range of subjects. For example, a fortune teller may use Tarot cards to help a client make an important decision. Another client may come to a fortune teller for help in finding a lost object through divination. A more divine definition includes their important role in society. Fortune tellers are sometimes considered spiritual leaders and guides. They may also be considered shamans, priests, prophets, or sorcerers. In Italy, the ancient Etruscans considered the vocation of diviner-priest to be sacred. The Maya in Mexico also held diviner-priests in high esteem.

The structure of divination

Divination is the practice of interpreting omens to reveal the will of the gods in natural phenomena. Priests in Mesopotamia observed patterns in burning smoke during rituals to learn the answers to their questions. The use of omens helped the priests determine if an action was favorable or not. When considering what divination is, it is important to learn about the many types of divination arts, namely:

  • Pyromancy: Uses fire as a means of divination. The diviner looks at the flame, its movements and shape to get information about a situation or to predict the future;
  • Hydromancy: Involves divination by water. The diviner reads the signs and symbols that appear in the reflection of water or on the surface of the liquid to interpret the future;
  • Cleromancy: Based on the use of lots. Various objects are tossed and their position and placement are interpreted for answers;
  • Geomancy: Involves objects projected onto a map or figure to find answers to questions. This may include the use of sand, rocks, or other natural materials;
  • Somatomancy: Relies on the physical body. For example, analyzing the shape of the head to draw conclusions about a person's character and destiny;
  • Oniromancy: Analyzes dreams and interprets them as a guide to action. The diviner looks at symbols and events in dreams to understand what they mean and how they may affect the future;
  • Astrology: Aims to predict events by observing and interpreting the movements of the stars, sun, moon and planets. Horoscopes remain one of the most popular forms of divination, offering people a glimpse into the future and insight into their destiny;
  • Tarot Cards: Fortune tellers turn to these cards to predict the future and better understand the dynamics of a situation. Tarot cards offer rich symbolism and layered meanings, making them a powerful tool for divination.

structure of divination

Types of fortune telling

Fortune tellers hope to gain visions and guidance through the realization of hidden meaning in everyday signs and situations. Different types of divination may be practiced by individuals in their private lives, or by priests or shamans as part of their spiritual practice. Let us consider these types, however:

  • Inductive divination: Based on a specific procedure that anyone can follow to discover the hidden meaning of an object. Astrology is an example of inductive divination, which finds meaning in the timing and coincidence of celestial events;
  • Interpretative divination: Combines the use of a procedure and a particularly gifted diviner who can interpret the meaning of the signs. Ancient diviners may have used interpretive divination to evaluate the signs behind bird movements or weather changes;
  • Intuitive divination: Focuses on communicating with supernatural beings and spirits using special gifts and psychic abilities. An intuitive diviner may enter a trance state using drugs or self-hypnosis techniques to access spiritual guidance.

Examples of divination

Faust's "Höllenzwang", published at the beginning of the 17th century, describes divination on crystals using an empowered mirror. "Erdspiegel" was a mirror that medieval diviners believed would reveal all the hidden treasures of the world. The process of creating the "Erdspiegel" involved buying the mirror at full price (so that evil spirits would not harm it) on a Friday, burying the mirror in a church tomb at midnight (necessarily over the face of a corpse), leaving the mirror for nine Fridays, and then retrieving it. The diviner must then go to a crossroads and place the mirror in the middle of the road, and then summon three spirits with special powers to empower the mirror. Many other medieval divination practices are described in the Höllenzwang, providing insight into divination in the Middle Ages.

A modern example of divination can be found with the Maya of Guatemala. In this practice, the healer runs eggs over the patient's body to extract the essence of the illness. The eggs are then placed in water and the diviner looks into the bowl to read the signs and better understand the cause and type of illness.


Divination, with its centuries-old history and diverse methods, continues to amaze and inspire people around the world. From ancient rituals to modern practices, this magical form of divination unlocks the secrets of the past and offers unique perspectives on the future. Whether you believe in the magical power of divination or see it as an interesting hobby, divination continues to be an important part of human culture, bringing elements of mystery, mysticism and wisdom into our lives.


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