

New faiths: opportunities and risks in a world of artificial intelligence

With the development of artificial intelligence, the world is facing an unexpected phenomenon - the emergence of religious cults dedicated to AI. Researcher Neil MacArthur from the University of Manitoba suggests that these sects will become increasingly common in the coming years.

The allure of technology

Recent advances in artificial intelligence have evoked mixed emotions as well as amazement. This effect is similar to the religious rapture inherent in admiration for divine powers. Many find in artificial intelligence the traits that are associated with the divine - high levels of intelligence, creativity, lack of physical limitations, and the ability to provide wise counsel.

Why AI worship is emerging

Several factors may contribute to the emergence of religious cults around artificial intelligence. First, many see AI as a higher power with supernatural qualities. Second, the results of AI can be perceived as doctrine, representing answers to metaphysical and theological questions.

Differences and risks

AI-based religions will differ from traditional beliefs. Importantly, worshippers will be able to communicate directly with the "deity," making such cults less hierarchical. However, this also comes with risks, including the possibility of manipulation and conflict among followers.

Regulation and prospects

The introduction of effective regulation of this area is necessary to mitigate risks. It is important to realize that religious cults based on AI worship can contribute to the diversity and enrichment of society. They can help people find meaning in life in an era of rapid technological change, but there is a need to be prepared for possible negative consequences and to resolve safety and ethical issues.


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