

CMGInternal is a fraudulent and dangerous Forex broker

The Forex market is an attractive place for traders, but choosing a reliable broker is crucial for successful trading. Unfortunately, there are scammers who try to cheat traders and cause damage. One such unscrupulous broker is CMGInternal. In this article, we will look at facts and examples that show that CMGInternal is a fraudulent Forex broker and why it should not be trusted.

Lack of regulation and licenses

One of the key signs of a fraudulent Forex broker is the lack of necessary licenses and regulation. Unfortunately, C.M.G. Internal does not hold valid licenses and does not report to regulators. Their official website lacks information about the regulator as well as the company behind the broker. This raises serious doubts about the reliability and legality of their activities.

Manipulations and falsifications

CMGInternal uses various manipulations and falsifications to deceive traders. One of such techniques is the dissemination of false information. On its website and in social networks, CMGInternal publishes false reports and recommendations, misinforming traders. This creates an illusion of the broker's successful performance, while in fact such results do not exist.

Violation of trading rules

CMGInternal also violates trading rules by creating unfavorable conditions for traders. They use such techniques as "spoofing" - imitation of orders to buy or sell financial instruments at distorted prices. This creates the illusion of falling or rising asset prices and misleads traders.

Client feedback

A lot of reviews from CMGInternal customers indicate that this broker is not worth trusting. Many clients were unable to withdraw their funds or encountered problems when trying to do so. In addition, the support service does not respond to customer requests, which creates additional inconvenience and raises suspicions about the reliability and professionalism of the broker.

Inaccurate information and lack of transparency

CMGInternal provides misleading information and is not transparent in its actions. Their website lacks any legal information, financial statements are not provided, and their company history contains gaps and inaccuracies. This creates a feeling of mistrust and confirms the fact that CMGInternal is not a reliable Forex broker.


Based on the facts and examples presented in this article, it can be concluded that CMGInternal is a fraudulent Forex broker. They do not possess the necessary licenses and regulation, use manipulation and falsification, violate trading rules and do not provide proper customer support. Therefore, cooperating with C.M.G. International can only lead to losing money and negative experience. We strongly recommend avoiding this broker and looking for reliable and regulated alternatives to trade successfully in the Forex market.


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