

Fortune-telling with runes: Discover the secrets of an ancient art

Fortune-telling runes

While runes may be less well known than Tarot cards or crystal balls, for example, they are an ancient and profound divination tool that is as good as any other method. Used for centuries, runes are used in a wide variety of life situations: to predict the future, to find solutions to complex issues, to choose the best path or even to gain a deeper understanding of your own personality and inner world. We will look in detail at what are divination runes, and how they can help in various aspects of life.

What are divination runes?

In practical terms, runes are small stones, pieces of wood or small objects with symbols inscribed or engraved on them. Each rune has a name, an ordinal number, a sound, a visual symbol and an interpretation. Runic symbols are also known as staves or glyphs. They correspond to the letters of the ancient Germanic alphabet.

This alphabet was once used for writing, divination and magic. They are a cryptic writing system that refers to a sacred context. The letters or symbols are made up of straight or zigzag lines that carry spiritual meaning. Runes evoke legends from various mythologies, particularly Scandinavian and Nordic, but their origin is Germanic.

There are many different runes, but the most widely used are the Futhark runes or Viking runes. They are both the oldest and the most popular. They consist of 24 runes, sometimes with an additional rune (a white rune, with no engraved symbols). These runes are called ‘futhark’ because of the sound the first six letters of the set make.

What are divination runes?

Origin of divination runes

The word ‘rune’ means mystery, secret or whisper. Historically, runes were used by men and women who were the bearers of their secret, passed down orally. It was a religious caste and only specialists were authorised to use runes. The oldest inscriptions of the runic alphabet were found on a crest in Denmark in the 2nd century and on the Kilver Stone in Sweden in the 5th century. Runic symbols have been found on statuettes, shields, amulets and jewellery.

The origin of this alphabet is still controversial among specialists. Its history has come down to us from Norse, Scandinavian and Germanic mythology, but our knowledge of it is still very vague because it was passed down orally. There is a founding legend attributed to the god Odin, who sacrificed himself to gain knowledge of hidden things, including runes, which he later offered to mankind.

The use of divination runes

Fortune-telling runes should be spaced out over time. It is not recommended to use them daily, because their interpretation is difficult and requires work on yourself, and the meaning of the interpretation must be compared with reality. First of all, runes are a long-term perspective. As with all divination tools, to work with them you need to prepare by choosing the necessary equipment and following a few recommendations.

Purchase a few runes, preferably Futhark runes if you are just starting out. You will need a pouch in which you can hide all the runes. Finally, lay a white cloth or tablecloth on a flat surface, as runes can be fragile and delicate objects that need to be handled with care. Choose a quiet place where you can concentrate and be alone so that no one will disturb you. You can burn sage to release negative energy and purify the air. Create a favourable environment and light candles. Put the runes in a pouch and mix them before divination.

Origin of divination runes

The main types of rune divination

There are different types of rune divination. The method involves throwing the runes on a flat surface and interpreting those runes that fall into place and whose pattern is visible. The most commonly used methods are: 3-rune, 5-rune, 7-rune and 12-rune drawings. The 3-rune method is the most popular as it is very fast, simple and easy to read. It is also known as Norn divination. It can be used to answer a specific question or to summarise the results. Three runes are drawn at random: the first represents the past or origin of a situation, the second relates to the present, and the third evokes the future.

The 5 rune draw, known as Thor's Hammer, is used to get an in-depth assessment of a situation. Draw the 5 runes and arrange them so that they form a cross. Place the first rune towards yourself and continue to place the following runes clockwise, ending with the centre rune. The first rune symbolises the external influence, the second - negative elements, the third - positive elements, the fourth - the result, the fifth - the development of the situation or problem.

Divination on 7 runes - This is the most complete type of divination. To conduct it, the first six drawn runes are laid out in a row, and the seventh down in the middle. The first two runes represent the situation associated with the problem, the next two represent the past, the fifth and sixth represent the advice to be followed, and the seventh represents the result.

12-rune method - gives an overview or evaluation. Twelve runes are laid out and each rune thus obtained is immediately marked and put back in the bag, so that it can appear in the drawing a few more times. Each rune corresponds to the house, that is, the area of your life: the current state of mind, finances, family, home, hobbies, work, favourite people, family property, spirituality, professional career, friendship and future difficulties.

The main types of rune divination

Interpretation of the symbols of divination runes

The interpretation of divination depends on the meaning of the depicted glyph (or stav). Each rune evokes both a graphic image and a sound associated with a particular meaning. Runes are numbered, so they have a serial number. Futhark runes are divided into three oettir (plural oett) of eight runes each:

  • Fehu Fett: Fehu's oett evokes the goods of this world and what is part of human nature. It refers to everyday life. It includes the runes Fehu, Uruz, Turiaz, Ansuz, Raidho, Kenaz, Gebo and Wunho;
  • Oett Hagalaz: It represents the divine and that which we cannot control. It evokes external forces and emotions and consists of the runes Hagalaz, Naudiz, Isa, Yera, Eihvaz, Pertro, Elhaz and Sovilo;
  • Oette Tiwaza: Oette Tiwaza symbolises the deeds taken and the path ahead: Tiwaz, Berkanno, Ehwaz, Mannaz, Laguz, Ingaz, Dagaz, Othala, Vird. This group of runes gives answers corresponding to energetic and spiritual forces. To these three groups is added the twenty-fifth rune, also known as the ‘white rune’ or ‘Wyrd’. Interpretations of the same rune differ depending on whether it is upright (visible glyph) or inverted (hidden glyph).


Fortune-telling on runes - this is not just an ancient practice, and a way of self-knowledge and search for answers to important questions. By mastering the basics of working with runes, you can expand your understanding of the world and gain access to intuitive knowledge that will help in decision-making. This tool requires patience and respect, but it can offer valuable information about the future and the present.


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