

Hieromancy: A guide to the art of interpreting divine signs

Definition of Hieromancy

Mysterious and ancient, Hieromancy is a divination art that dates back to antiquity. Closely related to religion and magic, it uses symbols, shapes and colours to interpret hidden messages. In Hebrew, the term ‘hieromancy’ means ‘reading signs’ and practitioners of this art could interpret dreams, visions and the movement of the stars to unlock the secrets of the universe. Hieromancers could also use sacred objects, gemstones, and magical plants to gain information about the past, present, and future.

Definition of Hieromancy

Hieromancy is a type of divination that uses symbols to predict the future. It is based on the interpretation of divine signs that are communicated through a form of supernatural communication. The practice is often associated with occult practices such as Tarot divination, magical rituals and practising magic. The tools of hieromancy help us to gain a deeper understanding of our lives, desires and emotions. Among them: 

  • Tarot cards and oracles used for divination and symbolic interpretation;
  • Runes, which symbolise energies and concepts;
  • Mantras, which create positive vibrations through the repetition of phrases;
  • Meditations that help you connect with your soul and intuition;
  • Rituals to attract the right energies and realise intentions.

Different forms of Hieromancy

Hieromancy is categorised into several forms including Hieroglyphic, Hieratic, Hierophanic, Hierochromatic and Hierotypical. Hieroglyphics is the art of deciphering divine symbols and interpreting them. Hieratics is a form of divination based on the observation of divine signs and symbols. Hierophany is the art of perceiving the divine presence in objects and places. Hierochromy is based on the use of colours and shapes to interpret divine messages. Finally, Hierotypy is the art of revealing the meaning of divine symbols through images.

Divination Hieromancy is an ancient practice based on the belief that angels and deities convey messages through symbols and signs. It helps people explore their deepest desires, fears and aspirations by deciphering divine messages through intuition and knowledge of symbols.

Sacred Hieromancy uses astrology, numerology, Tarot cards, runes and dreams to predict the future and understand the meaning of life. It is a form of magic that opens access to supernatural abilities and hidden messages from the universe.

Theurgic Hieromancy focuses on union with the deity through magical rituals and meditation. It helps to find answers to questions beyond human understanding and guides one on the path of enlightenment by revealing the secrets of the universe through symbols and signs.

Principles of Hieromancy

Through symbols and metaphors, Hieromancy reveals hidden truths and allows one to understand divine messages. This system helps you connect with higher powers by using symbols, images and rituals to get answers and spiritual help in your daily life. 

Interpretation of divine signs is a key aspect of Hieromancy. It allows interpretation of celestial messages through observation of the stars, natural phenomena, dreams and omens. Practitioners use these signs to reveal divine designs and follow them in their actions, creating a deep connection between the spiritual and earthly plane.

Hieromancy involves the use of symbols, objects and divination techniques to communicate with the spiritual and divine world, meditation and inner work to connect with one's own divine source and receive messages, answers and advice. In addition, divination is practised by invoking entities and spiritual beings to gain information, knowledge and special abilities. Finally, it can be used to perform rituals of protection, purification and healing.

Modern applications of Hieromancy

Hieromancy remains an important tool for interpreting divine messages and uncovering their deeper meaning. It includes interpreting dreams, studying divine signs and symbols, reading sacred texts, and exploring legends, myths, and symbolism in art and architecture. The ancient practice of Hieromancy lives on, helping to uncover hidden messages in the world around us.

Synonymous with wisdom and understanding, it allows us to connect with the spiritual forces around us and call upon them for answers. It encourages introspection and meditation, and offers practical ways to explore intuitive realms. It also provides access to hidden information and messages. As such, it can be used to create rituals, practices and ceremonies to connect with sources of wisdom and healing.

This divination art was at the origin of countless divination practices. On the one hand, through the interpretation of dreams and visions, it gave rise to divination arts such as astrology, numerology and fortune telling. It also influenced more modern divination practices such as tarot and palmistry. Hieromancy played a crucial role in the evolution of the divination arts and continues to influence them today.

Modern applications of Hieromancy

Scientific arguments

In addition to ancestral beliefs and superstitions, the scientific arguments in favour of hieromancy are many and varied. Observing the invisible forces that surround us and their impact on our environment, understanding the laws of physics and studying the movement of the stars and their influence on our lives, searching for symbols and their meanings, using meditation and visualisation to achieve altered states of consciousness - these are all strong foundations of hieromancy.


Hieromancy has established itself as a powerful tool for divination and knowledge. It gives access to information that goes beyond human perception, which is also accessible through magic and meditation. This ancient practice allows us to connect with the subtle planes of the universe and find answers to questions that may seem incomprehensible. It opens the door to a deeper understanding of the mysteries of existence.


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