

Spiritual practice: 7 keys to improved well-being

What is a spiritual practice?

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we are often caught up in monotony: home, work, sleep - these three words leave little room for meditation and mindfulness. Absorbed in our worries, we try to find the very fulfilment that books and magazines promise, but often don't have time or don't find the right ritual to develop our spirituality. Today, spirituality is not necessarily about religion. We no longer talk about devotion to a higher power, but focus on spiritual practices that help us return to ourselves, to our inner centre.

What is a spiritual practice?

Spiritual practice is an opportunity to detach oneself from the material world in order to return to oneself and achieve self-realisation. In a capitalist society where money, material possessions and success are often put first, we can feel overwhelmed. In our search for meaning, well-being and inner value, we feel the need to slow down and look within ourselves. Spiritual practice helps us to do just that: to focus, to realise ourselves not only as individuals but also as part of the vast universe.

The development of spirituality and the beginning of the spiritual path is connected with the return to our true essence. It is a search for joy and balance, which we can do through rituals. Connecting with the energies around us, filling us with them to experience wholeness and unconditional love - this is what spiritual practice is all about. There is no single guideline for spirituality. The key is to find a ritual or spiritual practice that brings you peace and love. Whether it's yoga, meditation, lithotherapy, walking or conscious breathing, there are many paths and everyone chooses their own.

Benefits of a daily spiritual practice

As with any habit or exercise we want to incorporate into our lives, repetition plays a key role in achieving real change. It is said that it takes the brain 40 days to make a practice automatic and fully experience its benefits. Daily spiritual practice has undeniable mental health benefits: it helps reduce stress, develops a sense of perspective, teaches you to let go of life's difficulties more easily and brings more optimism and inner peace.

One of the main benefits of spiritual practices is grounding. In the hustle and bustle of life, we often dwell on the past or worry about the future. Meditation, yoga or oracle card divination give us the opportunity to stop and focus on the present moment, on how we feel in the here and now. These practices teach us to observe our sensations, to understand them, to let them pass through us and to find contact with our body and spirit.

In addition, spiritual practice brings the meaning of our existence back into focus. It helps us to reflect on our values, needs and desires, and the path we really want to take. Incorporating spirituality into our daily lives encourages us to reflect on why we do what we do and gives us time to listen to ourselves, to understand what brings us joy and what doesn't, in order to live in harmony with ourselves. Below we will give you 7 options on how to start or consolidate your spiritual practice. There is no best way: find the one that suits your pace, desire and need.

1. Daily meditation

There are many benefits to meditation, and just a few minutes a day can help you get in touch with your own body and become aware of your emotions. During meditation, thoughts come and go freely and you learn to accept them without judgement. Mindful meditation is a simple spiritual practice that can be done anywhere: in bed, in your living room, at your workplace or even on transport. If it's difficult to quiet the mind on your own, you can use guided meditation apps. To begin, sit with your feet firmly on the ground or adopt a lying down position. Take three deep breaths, filling your belly with air. Then do a mental scan of your body, starting at the top of your head and slowly working your way down, paying attention to each part of your body and how you feel.

Daily meditation

2. Yoga

Yoga is an ancient practice that helps you find harmony of mind, body and soul, giving you deep inner peace and serenity. This multifaceted discipline teaches you to reconnect with your breath, find true inner peace and awaken your life energy. As a result, you will not only feel invigorated and peaceful, but also harmonious in every aspect of your life.


3. Conscious lithotherapy

The energy of stones has an amazing power to restore balance and greatly improve your well-being. Each natural stone carries unique properties that can have a powerful effect on your physical and emotional well-being. By consciously using these crystals, you can experience their profound effects. Lithotherapy perfectly complements meditative practices, especially those that focus on working with the chakras, helping you achieve an even more harmonious state.

Conscious lithotherapy

4. Prayers

Prayer is often associated with religion, but you can address your wishes, intentions and gratitude to the universe, your spirit guides, the moon or pagan deities. Prayer helps you to reflect on what is really important and recognise the moments for which you are grateful. It is also a way to focus on the beautiful moments of your day. Through this spiritual practice, you can ask for guidance and notice more closely the signs and synchronicities that appear in response.


5. Positive affirmations

Take time each day to repeat positive affirmations to transform your inner state. These mantras have the power to transform your perception of yourself and the way you live your life. Gradually, they will reprogramme your brain, helping you to look at life with more optimism and ease. You can do this positive thinking exercise in writing too, by writing down affirmations in your diary.

Positive affirmations

6. Creating rituals

Spiritual rituals have been around since ancient times, giving power and meaning to important milestones and life transitions. You can use them to celebrate important dates, full moons or new moons if these events are close to you. It's also easy to weave small rituals into your daily routine: light a candle or incense, or draw an oracle card to add a little magic to your day.

Creating rituals

7. Oracles and Tarot

The art of card reading is open to everyone and is not limited to fortune tellers. Oracles and Tarot cards carry deep messages that can help you better understand yourself and your inner motivations. These cards are not necessarily meant to predict the future, but are powerful tools for personal growth and self-improvement. By incorporating daily divination into your spiritual practice, you can not only develop your intuition, but also deepen your process of self-discovery by discovering new facets of your personality.

Oracles and Tarot


Each of the suggested methods of spiritual practice is a step towards greater knowledge of yourself and your place in the world. Regardless of which path you choose, the main thing is to take time for yourself, your inner world and spiritual development. Remember that spirituality is a personal journey and only you can determine which route is closer to you. Start small, listen to yourself, and let your spiritual practice become a source of inner peace, joy, and strength.


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