

What are oracles, what are they for and how do they work?

What are oracles, what are they for and how do they work?

Oracle divination is a popular way to tap into your intuition, spirituality and get answers to important questions. But what is an oracle and what is oracle divination?

An oracle is an object or system used to get answers to spiritual, personal or divination questions. Oracles can take many forms such as cards, runes, crystals, shells or tree branches. Each has its own symbolism and meaning.

Oracle divination involves choosing cards, stones or other objects to get an answer or guidance on a particular question. It can be practised alone or in a group, and requires no special skills other than an open mind and genuine curiosity. The first thing to know is that there are two main categories in the world of oracles: divination oracles and therapeutic oracles.

Divination Oracles

Divination oracles are oracles used to predict the future and get answers to personal or spiritual questions. Some of the best known divination oracles include the Tarot, the Bellin Oracle, the Triadic Oracle, the Tarot of Angels, the Tarot of Marseilles, the Petit Lenormand, and many others. These oracles are usually made up of cards, each of which has a symbolic meaning and a specific interpretation depending on its position in the lot. This type of oracle relies on both a thorough knowledge of the figures and symbols depicted on the cards and the intuition of the person conducting the divination. This type is not easy for the uninitiated and requires careful training.

Therapeutic oracles

Therapeutic oracles are often used to help people find emotional balance, heal emotional wounds, increase self-confidence and stimulate personal and spiritual development by helping them find answers to questions about themselves. For example, angel cards are used for inspiration and support, runic oracles are used to understand the deeper aspects of the subconscious mind, and archetype oracles are used to work with inner roles and personal archetypes. These types of oracles need to be studied and understood for optimal results, so they are best used by personal development, coaching or mental health professionals.

Tarot cards

Personal Growth Cards

Other oracle-based personal and spiritual development products are simple and accessible to all thanks to the booklets that come with them. They are designed to accompany us daily to enlighten or transform our lives. They can also be used in meditative practices to connect with their energy and symbolism.

Whether they are used for divination, therapy or personal development, all of these oracles fulfil different but complementary functions. Whether for divination or emotional healing, oracles are interesting and powerful tools for exploring and understanding different aspects of our lives and the range of choices we have to make.

How does oracle divination happen?

In oracle divination, one has to choose one or more cards according to a set method to get an answer or guidance to a given question or situation. There are several methods of divination and the choice depends on the purpose and the question asked. The simplest method is the one-card method, where you draw a card to get an answer to a specific question or situation. This method is useful for getting a quick and clear answer to a specific question or for general guidance for the day or week ahead.

Another popular divination method is three-card divination. In this method, three cards are laid out in a line, each representing an aspect of the question being asked: the card on the left represents the influence of the past on the current situation, the centre card represents the current state or central theme, and the card on the right represents the future and invites you to project yourself into it and make a choice. This method is useful for exploring different aspects of a problem or situation, as well as for getting indications of future trends and possibilities.

The quality of an oracle reading depends largely on the choice of question asked. Open-ended or ambiguous questions can lead to unclear or unhelpful answers, just as closed questions may not give a clear answer, but only point to possible options and leave it up to the fortune teller. It is therefore important to be honest with yourself and open to all possible answers, even if they do not match your expectations or desires.

Why read oracles?

Reading oracles offers many benefits for reflection, decision-making, personal and spiritual development, and deepening relationships with self and others. Oracles often offer symbolic metaphors for various possibilities, and it is up to each person to interpret and understand them in light of their own personal journey. Some types allow us to connect with our spiritual guides and offer reflection on what they can teach. Others bring positive messages, practical advice and messages of peace.

In short, divination oracles help clarify choices and decisions that need to be made, offering new perspectives and creative ideas. Therapeutic oracles are an invaluable tool for getting to know and understand yourself better. The answers and guidance provided through divination helps to unravel personal issues, uncover emotional blocks and find solutions to overcome them. It allows you to understand the hidden aspects of yourself and helps you develop self-esteem and self-confidence.

By exploring different facets of ourselves and opening up new perspectives, oracles help us understand our own motivations and personal needs. They also help to improve relationships with others by better understanding their perspectives and needs. Oracles for personal and spiritual development focus on developing wellbeing, positivity and meditative practices to help the counsellor develop their wellbeing and relate more favourably to themselves, others and the world.


Oracles are a powerful tool to explore our own consciousness and help us find answers to our deepest questions. They can give us a new, enlightening perspective on our lives and guide us along a personal path of growth and transformation. Oracle divinations can seem intimidating at first, but with practice and patience, anyone can learn to use them effectively. Accept the challenge and allow yourself to be guided by the messages of the oracles, starting with personal growth oracles that are easier to use on your own.


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