

Candomble is the spiritual powerhouse of Africa

Candomble is a religion of African origin that is practiced in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Venezuela, and Uruguay. It originated from the blending of various African cultures brought to the Americas as slaves. Candomble is an animistic religion that worships oryxes, that is, spirits or guardian deities of various areas of natural life, as well as various human emotions and needs.

Origins of Candomble

Candomble originated in Brazil in the 16th century when African slaves were brought to the colony. These slaves belonged to different ethnic groups including Yoruba, Bantu, Ewe, and Fon. Despite their differences in language and culture, they shared some common religious beliefs that eventually merged in Candomble.

In the early 19th century, the first Candomble temple, Ilê Axé Iyá Nassô Oká, was founded in the city of Salvador de Bahia. It was founded by freed slave Iyá Nassô, who was the first priestess of Candomble. In the following years, many other Candomble temples were founded in Brazil.

Candomble beliefs

Candomble is a totemic and animistic religion. It believes in the existence of a nature spirit called the Orisha. Orisha are deities who patronize various aspects of life such as nature, love, war and death.

Candomble practitioners worship the Orishas by making offerings and gifts to them. They also participate in religious rituals such as dances, songs and prayers.

Candomble in Brazil

Candomble is an important part of Brazilian culture. It represents the heritage of African slaves who had a great influence on the development of Brazil.

There are about 3 million followers of Candomble in Brazil. The religion is spread throughout the country, but its main centers are in southern states such as Bahia, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

Candomble is the subject of much scholarly attention. Researchers study the history, beliefs, and practices of the religion.


Candomble is a viable religion that continues to thrive in Brazil. It is an important element of Brazilian culture and represents a legacy of the country's African heritage.


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