

The Social and Religious Historical Context of the Emergence of the Jews

Titus Arch

Jews have always been intelligent people and even in ancient times their society was much more complex, with a more sophisticated social structure and principles of organization. What is their history and what was their difference from other ancient societies?

The earliest history

The Jewish people were formed in the second millennium BCE. The various peoples who were the ancestors of the Jews were called Semites and lived in what is now Israel, Lebanon, Turkey and Egypt, as well as Syria. Although there are widespread mythological or quasi-mythological ideas about the origin of the Jewish people, but these ideas are not supported by facts. It is reliably known that as a result of mixing of Israelites and Jews there was an ethnos of Jews. This is not a mistake and not a tautology. Ancestors of Jews who lived in the first millennium BC and are descendants of the same name more ancient ethnos of Jews. Similar confusion can arise when you read about the origin of Western European peoples, all of which came from the Germans, including the ancestors of the modern French, who called themselves the Franks. The ancient Germans mixed with other peoples and as a result modern Germans appeared, although it is not the same.

During this period, the ancient Jews experienced several important phases. First of all, this is the age of the Judges, when the Israelite tribes lived without a central ruler, united only by religious faith and common culture. The judges were charismatic leaders who rose to the defense of the people in times of crisis.

Kingdom of Israel

Over time, the need for a more centralized government led to the establishment of a monarchy. The first king of Israel was Saul, followed by David and his son Solomon. The reigns of David and Solomon are considered the golden age of the kingdom of Israel. During this time Jerusalem became the capital, and under Solomon the first Temple was built, which became the religious center.

After Solomon's death, the social and religious history of the Jews began to undergo a new phase because the Kingdom of Israel was divided into two kingdoms: the Northern Kingdom (Israel) and the Southern Kingdom (Judea). This division led to political and religious instability. The Northern Kingdom was frequently attacked by neighboring peoples and was eventually conquered by the Assyrians in 722 BC. The southern kingdom, Judea, centered in Jerusalem, survived for a while longer, but in 586 B.C. it was conquered by the Babylonians and many Jews were taken captive to Babylon.

An important milestone in the emergence of the Jews is the formation of the kingdom of Israel and then its absorption into the ancient superpower of the east called the Assyrian Empire. Some of the kingdom's population was exiled to Babylon. The history of the ancient Hebrews in the middle of the first millennium B.C. is packed with important events and processes. This is the period when key aspects of their religious and cultural identity emerged that still influence the modern world today.

The second half of the first millennium BCE

This period of Jewish social and religious history is also characterized by the development of religious thought and literature. Prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Amos played an important role in denouncing injustice and calling for loyalty to God. Their teachings and predictions became an important part of Jewish religious tradition and scripture.

The return of the Jews from Babylonian captivity at the end of the sixth century BCE marked the beginning of a new phase in their history, when the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the Temple began, and the formation of a Jewish community and religious life that left a deep mark in the centuries that followed.
After the Achaemenid Persian Empire conquered the region, the exiled Jews were allowed to return and rebuild the Temple; these events mark the beginning of the Second Temple period. After several centuries of foreign rule, the revolt of the Maccabees against the Seleucid Empire led to the establishment of the independent Hasmonean kingdom, which was gradually incorporated into the Roman Empire. The Jewish-Roman Wars, a series of unsuccessful revolts against the Romans in the first and second centuries AD, led to the destruction of Jerusalem and the Second Temple, and the exile of many Jews.

Jewish migration

The Jewish population in Syria-Palestine gradually declined over the following centuries, increasing the role of the Jewish Diaspora and shifting the spiritual and demographic center from devastated Judea to Galilee and then to Babylon, with smaller communities spreading throughout the Roman Empire. The Mishnah and Talmud, the central Jewish texts, were compiled during the same period. In the millennia that followed, Diaspora communities organized themselves into three main ethnic groups depending on where their ancestors settled: the Ashkenazi (Central and Eastern Europe), the Sephardim (originally in the Iberian Peninsula), and the Mizrahi (Middle East and North Africa).

Hamat Tiberias

As is well known, the subsequent social and religious history of the Jews was very dramatic. After the collapse of the Roman Empire, its successor, the Byzantine Empire, in many ways continued the policies of its predecessor. During the Middle Ages, the history of the Jews includes significant changes in their social, economic, and religious status.

During this period, Jews dispersed to different regions, including Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. In Europe, Jews often faced discrimination and persecution and were expelled from various countries, such as England in 1290 and Spain in 1492. At the same time, in some areas, such as Islamic countries, they were able to live relatively peacefully, making significant contributions to science, medicine, philosophy, and commerce. In places such as Cordoba and Baghdad, Jewish scholars and philosophers, including Maimonides, were intellectually active, translating ancient Greek texts and developing their own philosophical and religious teachings.


In Europe, despite persecution, Jews contributed to the economy, especially through trade and banking, as well as to cultural life, as seen in the activities of prominent figures such as Rabbi Rashi in France. The thirteenth century saw the beginning of an important process of codification of Jewish law, reflected in the creation of works such as the Shulhan Aruch. The medieval period is also characterized by the development of the Kabbalah, a mystical movement in Judaism, especially in Spain and Provence. During the same period, anti-Semitic sentiment increased, especially in the form of blood libels and crusades, when Jewish communities were subjected to mass murder and violence. Despite these difficulties, however, the Jewish community was able to maintain its religious and cultural identity, passing on knowledge and traditions from generation to generation, which prepared the groundwork for the revival of Jewish life in subsequent eras.


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