

Christmas is a holiday that unites people of different religions

Celebrated as one of the greatest Christian holidays, Christmas has become widespread throughout the world and other religions, thereby losing its spiritual character.

Although today the commercial holiday has taken over the religious holiday, Christmas remains one of the major events of the Christian liturgical year. For Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants, Christmas symbolizes the birth of Jesus, who came into the world to help people. The date of December 25 was established in the 4th century during the reign of Emperor Constantine. It is very likely that this date was chosen to coincide with the Saturnalia festivals, pagan festivals that preceded Christianity, which during Roman times celebrated the winter solstice.

Christmas between religious and secular tradition

In Islam, Christmas is not a holiday. Nevertheless, Muslims consider Jesus (or ISU in Arabic) to be a prophet in the Quran. He is, incidentally, quoted by name more often than the prophet Muhammad. While religiously Christmas has no meaning to them, on a cultural level it is something else. Since the holiday became widespread in Western culture, most Muslims have grown accustomed to this family holiday.

Hanukkah, the "Jewish Christmas"

The same goes for Jews, who don't officially celebrate Christmas. But in fact many exchange gifts and decorate the Christmas tree. Only the most orthodox refuse to do so. However, Jews also have their own "Christmas" during the same period. This is the holiday of Hanukkah or the "festival of lights" which commemorates the rebuilding of the Jerusalem temple and its purification. The first symbol of this holiday is the candlestick with nine branches, the Menorah. Each of the candles is lit each evening for eight feast days.

For Buddhists, too, Christmas has become part of the customs. It even happens that in some monasteries they organize festive meals.

Among the Russian Orthodox, New Year is mostly celebrated than "Christmas". And the birth of Christ itself is celebrated on the evening of January 6, while the 7th is a public holiday.

Although Christmas has become commercialized in the modern world, it is still an important holiday for many people. It is a time when families come together to celebrate, exchange gifts, and enjoy each other.


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