

Mutual Understanding of Scientists and Religion

When hyperspace theory revealed new and profound connections between physics and abstract mathematics, some people accused scientists of creating a new theology based on mathematics, i.e., abandoning religious myths and adopting a more bizarre religion based on curved spacetime, particle symmetry, and the expansion of the universe. Priests recite Latin prayers that no one understands, and physicists mutter mystical superstring equations that almost no one understands. Belief in an omnipotent God has been replaced by belief in quantum theory and general relativity. Scientists claim that mathematical "hymns" can be tested in the laboratory, only to hear that abstract concepts like superstring theory can never be tested because creation cannot be measured in the laboratory

Such claims are by no means a new phenomenon. For centuries, scientists have debated the laws of nature with theologians. In the 19th century, for example, the eminent British biologist Thomas Hexley was one of the first to defend Darwin's theory of natural selection against the attacks of the church. In a radio broadcast, the quantum physicist debated with representatives of the Catholic Church whether Heisenberg's uncertainty principle actually negates free will - a question that determines whether our souls go to hell or heaven.

Scientists, however, are often reluctant to engage in theological debates about God and creation. The problem, in my opinion, is that people give different meanings to the word "God" and cloud the question by using incomprehensible words full of suggestive symbols. In order to clarify the question to some extent, it will certainly be helpful to distinguish clearly between the two meanings of the word "God." Sometimes it is helpful to distinguish between a God of miracles and a God of order

When scientists use the word "God," they usually refer to the God of order. One of the most important discoveries Albert Einstein made in his childhood was when he read his first scientific book. He quickly realized that almost everything he had learned about religion could not possibly be true. Yet, throughout his life, he held on to his belief that there was a mysterious divine order in the universe. Einstein said his task was to discover the mind of God and find out if there was a divine decision in the creation of the universe. Einstein mentioned this God several times in his notebooks and nicknamed him "the old man." Faced with the mysteries of mathematics, Einstein repeatedly emphasized that God was attractive but not malevolent. It is no exaggeration to say that most scientists believe that there is some kind of cosmic order in the universe. To non-scientists, however, the word "God" almost certainly means a God of miracles, and this is where the misunderstanding between scientists and the general public begins. The God of miracles intervenes in our affairs, performs miracles, destroys cities of sinners, scatters enemy armies, drowns Pharaoh's army, and takes revenge on the pure and honorable.

The biologist noted that even competent scientists who displayed impeccable rationalism in formulating scientific hypotheses developed illogical arguments in defense of their religion. He also witnessed wars and atrocities waged against infidels and heretics under the guise of religion since ancient times. The atrocities of religious wars and jihad can be equated with the worst crimes that humans commit against their own kind. Religion is present in all human cultures studied on the planet. Anthropologists have found that all primitive tribes have origin myths that explain where humans came from. Myths also draw clear boundaries between "us" and "them," provide a consistent (sometimes irrational) force of protection for the tribe, and discourage criticism and provocation of tribal leaders

In human societies, this is the norm rather than the exception. In ancient times, religion was widespread because it offered clear evolutionary advantages to those who believed in it. Wildlife herds obeyed their leaders because of an established hierarchical order based on power and dominance. About a million years ago, however, some of our ape ancestors, with increasing intelligence, wanted to challenge the alpha's authority. Intelligence can be a dangerous force that divides tribes because it tends to challenge authority. Without a force to deal with the spreading chaos, intelligent members would leave the tribe, the tribe would split, and eventually all members would perish.


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